- R.YISRAEL OF RISZHYN, 1796 - 1850). Sepher Ha’atakath Kithvei Kodesh… Mamarei Admor Raban Shel Kol Bnei Ha-golah … Lo Ach Dumiyah Tehillah [“silence is his only praise”] Moreinu Harav Yisrael Me-Riszhyn.

Tuesday, January 27th,
2004 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts and Works of Graphic Art Including Holy Land Maps, Illustrated Books, Photography and Graphic Art from The Collection of Daniel M. Friedenberg of Greenwich, Conn
Lot 210
- R.YISRAEL OF RISZHYN, 1796 - 1850). Sepher Ha’atakath Kithvei Kodesh… Mamarei Admor Raban Shel Kol Bnei Ha-golah … Lo Ach Dumiyah Tehillah [“silence is his only praise”] Moreinu Harav Yisrael Me-Riszhyn.
Britschan: 1870
Est: $20,000 - $25,000
SCRIBE / ARTIST: Pinchos Aharon b. Aryeh Leib Frades.
The “Holy Riszhiner” was perhaps the most venerated Chassidic leader of his generation. Leaders and dignitaries flocked to his palatial court. He elevated his status to that of royalty and lived in a style that befitted descendents of the House of David. He rode in a splendid carriage drawn by four white horses stating that this path would also mystically influence the path of the entire Jewish nation.
THIS MANUSCRIPT PREDATES THE PUBLICATION OF R. ISRAEL’S CHASSIDIC DISCOURSES. His discourses were published over the years under various titles - Irin Kadishin, Warsaw 1885, Knesset Yisrael, Warsaw 1906, Beit Yisrael Piotrkow,1913 and later publicatons.
This manuscript (subtitled “Likutei Harr”i) contains many variances from the published versions in Irin Kadishin etc. Many discourses contain dates which are lacking in the published editions. It abounds in many fuller and more correct readings e.g. ff.39a contains two lines at the end of the discourse of Parshath Tetzaveh which are not in the published edition of Irin Kadishin and which gives an expanded different meaning to the text. ff. 4a contains the correct reading “me’at” [a little] rather than than the corrupt “me’eit’ [from the time] in the published version.
Contains two sections of discourses plus a section of “Amarim”, shorter comments, stories etc. The final leaf contains a discourse in the name of the Riszhiner’s father R. Shalom Schachna on the topic of King David and Bat-sheba.
This manuscript should be closely compared to the various published discourses.