(BIBLE, Hebrew. PENTATEUCH, HAPHTAROTH & MEGILOTH). Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Hebrew with Targum Onkelos on facing pages and commentary by Rashi below.

Tuesday, January 27th,
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Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts and Works of Graphic Art Including Holy Land Maps, Illustrated Books, Photography and Graphic Art from The Collection of Daniel M. Friedenberg of Greenwich, Conn
Lot 16
(BIBLE, Hebrew. PENTATEUCH, HAPHTAROTH & MEGILOTH). Chamishah Chumshei Torah. Hebrew with Targum Onkelos on facing pages and commentary by Rashi below.
Amsterdam: Solomon Proops 1734
Est: $500 - $700
copy presented by rabbi aryeh leib, chief aschkenazic rabbi of amsterdam (1691-1755) to his grandson rabbi saul levin of frankfort-on-the-oder (1740-1794). Later Rabbi Zevi Hirsch Levin of Berlin (1721-1800), father of Saul, presented it to his grandson-in-law Rabbi Abraham Halevi of Jessnitz. For details concerning Rabbi Aryeh Leib, a son-in-law of the Chacham Zevi (Zevi Hirsch Aschkenazi), and a genealogy of the Löwenstam (the surname adopted by Rabbi Aryeh Leib's son) and Levin families, see M. H. Gans, Memorbook, pp. 164, 197.
What one can glean from the inscription is Rabbi Zevi Hirsch's veneration of his deceased son Saul, despite the latter's involvement with the Haskalah movement and his forging of a collection of medieval responsa, “Besamim Rosh.”