Hebrew. LATER PROPHETS). With the commentary of DAVID BEN JOSEPH KIMCHI

Thursday, December 04th,
2003 at 1:00
Kestenbaum & Company Holds Inaugural Auction of Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts at Their New Galleries
Lot 37
Hebrew. LATER PROPHETS). With the commentary of DAVID BEN JOSEPH KIMCHI
Pesaro: Sons of Gershom Soncino 1515-16
Est: $15,000 - $18,000
No doubt the leading exegete of the prodigious Kimchis, David wrote on all the Prophetic Books as well as Psalms, Chronicles and Genesis. His method follows that of the Peshat, yet often utilizes Derash, employing aggadic interpretations. As an adherent of Maimonides’ philosophical views, David Kimchi introduces Maimonidian ideas into his commentaries although also expoundingcertain events as “visions.” Notably, in his commentary upon the Prophet Ezekiel’s vision of the Divine Chariot (Ezekiel, Chap. I), Kimchi presents a lengthy philosophical exposition concerning the Theophany. (See: M. Waxman, Vol. I, pp. 199-200; D. Amram, the Makers of Hebrew Books in Italy (1909) pp. 60-61.
According to the renowned rabbi and bookseller ,R. David Frankel -some Pesaro prints are even rarer than incunabula. To our knowledge, no complete copy of this edition has ever appeared at public auction.