Hebrew. EARLY PROPHETS). With the commentary of DAVID BEN JOSEPH KIMCHI

Thursday, December 04th,
2003 at 1:00
Kestenbaum & Company Holds Inaugural Auction of Hebrew Printed Books & Manuscripts at Their New Galleries
Lot 36
Hebrew. EARLY PROPHETS). With the commentary of DAVID BEN JOSEPH KIMCHI
Pesaro: Gershom Soncino 1511
Est: $5,000 - $6,000
The colophon contains an interesting play on words- completed by the youngest printer...of Soncino who resides there (Ger-Shom)- Pesaro...In addition to the Hebrew date, the colophon also cites “The 7th year of the Pope Julius the Second.” The Redak is the most thorough and exhaustive early commentary on the Prophets.