Sepher Ha’nikud Ve’sod Ha’chashmal [mystical treatises on vocalization, grammar, the “Higher Letters” and the mystical secrets within the revelations of Ezekiel]

Tuesday, June 27th,
2000 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art
Lot 316
Sepher Ha’nikud Ve’sod Ha’chashmal [mystical treatises on vocalization, grammar, the “Higher Letters” and the mystical secrets within the revelations of Ezekiel]
n.p.: 18th Century
Est: $800 - $1,200
Sepher Ha’nikud: ff. 1-26b. Sod Ha’chashmal: ff. 27a-34b. Should be compared to the published version. Also includes a mystical commentary by Menachem Azariah of Fano on the verse; “Your dead shall live, my dead bodies shall arise” (Isaiah 26:19) on ff. 35a-36b. Gershon Scholem (Kitvei Yad Be’kabbala) does not list any other manuscript of these works.
Both Joseph Gikatilla and Menachem Azariah of Fano were profound kabbalists whose works are some of the most detailed, yet lucid, systematic expositions of Kabbalistic concepts.