A Rich, Enthralling and Historic Archive Relating to the First and Subsequent Zionist Congresses. From the Papers of Th. Herzl’s Secretary, Isidor Schalit (1871-1953)

Tuesday, June 22nd,
1999 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art The Property of Various Owners
Lot 595
A Rich, Enthralling and Historic Archive Relating to the First and Subsequent Zionist Congresses. From the Papers of Th. Herzl’s Secretary, Isidor Schalit (1871-1953)
V.p: 1895-
Est: $12,000 - $18,000
An Extensively Detailed Catalogue of this Archive Available Upon Request.
Archive Includes: Three Herzl TLS’s. 1901-3. * Herzl Autographed Envelope to Schalit .1897.* Telegram from Sultan Abdul Hamid to Herzl. 1898. * Joseph Trumpeldor. Autographed Envelope Signed.1915. * LS Baron von Reuter. 1897. * TLS Nordau. 1902. * TLS David Wolfssohn. 1905. * ALS Bertha Suttner. 1897. * Also: scarce Zionist Congress and other Postcards, Colonial Trust Bonds, JNF lables, c.100 Zionist and related stamps, A.L.s’s, printed ephemera, photographs, etc