i. Berachoth ff.64,(2),66-69,19,(1). * Seder Zeraim, ff.86. * Perush Hamishnayoth ff.42,(1),37 (i.e. 36). End-papers inscribed by members of the Italian Morpurgo Family. [Vinograd, Cracow 230,266,277]
ii. Chagigah. ff.27. [Vinograd, Cracow 238]
iii. Yuma, Erechin and Me’ilah. ff.88 (of 93);34;38. Lacking ff.89-93. [Vinograd, Cracow 239,275 and 273]
iv. Megilah. ff.40. [Vinograd, Cracow 240]
v. Mo’ed Katan. ff.47 (i.e.46). [Vinograd, Cracow 241]
vi. Sukah. ff.56. [Vinograd, Cracow 242]
vii. Shekalim. ff.12. [Vinograd, Cracow 246]
viii. Ta’anith. ff.31,2 (of 5), lacking ff.2-4. [Vinograd, Cracow 247]
ix. Pirkei Avoth (et al). ff.47,(48-50). [Vinograd, Cracow 251]
x. Makoth. ff.26. Portion of f.2 supplied in manuscript. [Vinograd, Cracow 256]
xi. Nazir. ff.66. [Vinograd, Cracow 258]
xii. Sotah. ff.50. [Vinograd, Cracow 259]
xiii. Avodah Zarah. ff.98 (i.e.94). [Vinograd, Cracow 261]
xiv. Seder Taharoth, Masechta Nidah. ff.82,(2);162. [Vinograd, Cracow 274,267]
xv. Bechoroth. ff.69. [Vinograd, Cracow 268]
xvi. Bechoroth, Zevachim, Menachoth. ff. 69;120;112. [Vinograd, Cracow 268,269,272]
xvii. Chulin. ff.144,32. [Vinograd, Cracow 270]
xviii. Temurah. ff.34. [Vinograd, Cracow 276]
Marginalia. Few expert repairs with minimal loss, trimmed, browned in places, institutional stamps. First vol. contemporary richly blind-tooled calf, others modern calf and marbled boards. Sm.folio
Cracow: (The Sons of) Isaac Prostitz 1602-5
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The Second Cracow Edition of the Talmud.
See M.J. Heller, Printing the Talmud (1992) pp.375-80; and R.N.N. Rabinovicz, Ma’amar al Hadpasat Hatalmud (1952) pp. 80-4