Seder Hatamid [prayers for the entire year, with Ethics of the Fathers and Scriptural Readings]

AUCTION 3 | Tuesday, November 25th, 1997 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Printed Books Duplicates from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

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Lot 163

Seder Hatamid [prayers for the entire year, with Ethics of the Fathers and Scriptural Readings]

Edited by Elijah Cremieux. Two volumes ff. (3), 136, 136-143, (10), 6. Volume II: 104 (lacks ff. 81-2), 106-228 (lacks f. 189), (1-36). Few leaves misbound and mispaginated, stained, closely shaved, worn from use affecting text in places, occasionally replaced in manuscript. Contemporary half-calf, variously worn. 8vo. Sold not subject to return Vinograd, Avignon 2 (collation erroneous)

Avignon: n.p. 1767

Est: $1,000 - $1,500
Week-day, Sabbath and Festival prayers according to the rite of the Four Communities of the Comtat Venaissin: Avignon, Carpentras, Cavaillon and L’Isle-sur-la-Sorgue. Contains “many interesting local trifles,” especially a selection of songs, known as “obros” entirely peculiar to the Jews of Provence, in which Hebrew and Judeo-Provencal (in Hebrew characters) alternate. The present copy contains the uncommon appendix of six leaves in the first volume with the Order of Service for the local Purim according to the rite of Cavaillon. See C. Roth, The Liturgies of Avignon and the Comtat Venaissin, in: Journal of Jewish Bibliography (July, 1939) pp. 99-105