Malah Ha’aretz De’ah [prayers through the year, with Ethics of the Fathers]

Tuesday, November 25th,
1997 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Printed Books Duplicates from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America
Lot 155
Malah Ha’aretz De’ah [prayers through the year, with Ethics of the Fathers]
Thiengen : Eliezer ben Hertz & Joseph ben Naphtali 1560
Est: $4,000 - $6,000
One of the earliest Aschkenazi Prayer-Books; includes a valuable Kabbalistic commentary.
This is the fourth of only seven Hebrew books printed from 1560-67 in this tiny German town in the province of Baden- all are very scarce, indeed all are unknown to Adams. It would seem the Hebrew press was the only one to be active here throughout the 16th-century