Seder Hagadah shel Pesach

AUCTION 3 | Tuesday, November 25th, 1997 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Printed Books Duplicates from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

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Lot 89

Seder Hagadah shel Pesach

Title featuring central woodcut of Moses before the Burning Bush. 24 “pleasing and well executed woodcuts” (Yerushalmi). With Yiddish translation by Joel Brill printed in Wayber-taytsch type pp. (2), 54. Some marginal wear (2 leaves remargined), neat repair on verso of title, lightly stained. Modern boards. 4to Yudlov 565; Yaari 399; Yerushalmi 86-7

Basle: Wilhelm Haas 1816

Est: $300 - $500
“In an age of the general decline of the art of the Hebrew book, the Basel Hagadah of 1816 commands attention as one of the more attractive editions published in the nineteenth century.” (Yerushalmi)