Luchoth Eiduth

AUCTION 3 | Tuesday, November 25th, 1997 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Printed Books Duplicates from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

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Lot 68

Luchoth Eiduth

FIRST EDITION. The Mayer Sulzberger copy (Halberstamm Collection). Title signed by Lippa Zunz (grand-father of Leopold Zunz) ff. (12), 2-78. Opening leaves rehinged, stained and browned in places, few leaves soiled affecting extreme lower margins. Later half-calf, rubbed. 4to Vinograd, Altona 57

Altona: Aaron Katz 1755

Est: $300 - $500
Defense from the calumnious charges of Sabbatian heresy made by Jacob Emden. Includes section of character-testimonies on behalf of Eybescheutz from leading Rabbinic figures (including R. Elijah, Gaon of Vilna)