Tochachath Megulah Vehatzad Nachash

AUCTION 3 | Tuesday, November 25th, 1997 at 1:00
Fine Hebrew Printed Books Duplicates from the Library of The Jewish Theological Seminary of America

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Lot 67

Tochachath Megulah Vehatzad Nachash

FIRST EDITION. The Samuel Schoenblum-Mayer Sulzberger copy. ff. (2), 62. Later patterned boards, rubbed. 8vo Vinograd, London 29; Roth, London 8; Mehlman 1700

London: for Moses Hagiz 1715

Est: $500 - $700
A two-pronged attack that sought to censure Nechemiah Chayun, perhaps the most militant champion of Sabbatian revisionism. See E. Carlebach, The Pursuit of Heresy: Rabbi Moses Hagiz and the Sabbatian Controversies (1990) pp. 137-43