The Hope of Israel; Presumptive Evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are Descended from the Ten Missing Tribes of Israel.

Thursday, November 14th,
1996 at 1:00
Fine Judaica: Books, Manuscripts and Works of Art
Lot 15
The Hope of Israel; Presumptive Evidence that the Aborigines of the Western Hemisphere are Descended from the Ten Missing Tribes of Israel.
London: 1829
Est: $300 - $400
“…Our lost brethren were the ancestors of the Indians of the American Continent…They bent their course in a north-west direction, which brought them within a few leagues of the American Continent, and which they finally reached.” pp.33-34.
The title of this curious work acknowledges the theories first propounded by Menasseh ben Israel in 1650 and subsequently examined by Thomas Thorowgood in his Jewes in America. The great Mordecai Manuel Noah delivered by way of a lecture, a response to the ideas presented by Mrs. Simon - subsequently published in 1837 (Rosenbach 415)