<<Isaac Atias (Athias).>> Tesoro de Preceptos donde se encierran Las joyas de los Seys cientos y treze Preceptos que encomendó el Señor a su Pueblo Israel.

Auction 95 |
Thursday, November 11th,
2021 at 11:00am
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Rabbinic Letters, Ceremonial & Graphic Art
Lot 351
<<Isaac Atias (Athias).>> Tesoro de Preceptos donde se encierran Las joyas de los Seys cientos y treze Preceptos que encomendó el Señor a su Pueblo Israel.
Venice: Giovanni Caleoni 1627
Est: $4,000 - $6,000
A disciple of Isaac Uziel in Amsterdam, Isaac Atias was Haham of the first Portuguese-Jewish congregation situated in Hamburg.In 1622 he accepted the call to serve as rabbi in Venice where he later died. See JE, Vol. II, p. 268.
Following the lead of Maimonides in his Sepher HaMitzvoth, the author has divided this important work into two parts: The first, an enumeration of the 248 positive precepts; the second, an enumeration of the 365 negative precepts. In the Prologue, Athias explicitly refers to his Marrano brethren as the "noblest nation of Spain" who have been punished with "exile, calamities, death and excessive suffering… and whose majority number have been miserably buried in the darkness of perdition until the Lord assisted them and they returned to adore his blessed service.”
Livy Binsabat (his binding).
Alfonso Cassuto (his bookplate).