Goodwin, Thomas.

AUCTION 88 | Tuesday, March 17th, 2020 at 1:00pm
K2 Online Sale: Hebrew & Judaic Books and Manuscripts

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Goodwin, Thomas.

Moses & Aaron, seu Civiles & Ecclesiastici Ritus Antiquorum Hebraeorum [Moses and Aaron, or the Civil and Ecclesiastic Rite of the Ancient Hebrews]. Engraved frontispiece of Moses and Aaron. Title in red and black. Latin interspersed with Hebrew. Floriated initials, tailpiece. pp.(4), 72, (4), 616, 48. Frontispiece loose. Bremen: Phil. Godofred Saurmann, 1710. << * Bound with:>> Christiani, Friedrich Albrecht. Der Jüden Glaube und Aberglaube [Jewish Belief and Superstition]. First edition. Engraved allegorical frontispiece and 8 engravings depicting Jewish dress and ceremonies (see Rubens nos. 496-504). Title in red and black. German interspersed with Hebrew. Headpiece. Initial. pp. (4), 88, 186, (10). Leipzig: Fried. Lanckischens Erben, 1705. << * And:>> Margaritha, Antonio. Der gantze Jüdische Glaube [“The Complete Jewish Belief.”] Engraved frontispiece of Jews in traditional dress (see Rubens no. 233). Title in red and black. Headpieces and tailpieces, initials. German interspersed with Hebrew. pp. (32), 360, (24). Leipzig: Friedrich Lanckischens Erben, 1705. Three works bound in one volume. <<The Alfred Rubens copy>> with his bookplate. Browned throughout. Contemporary vellum. Thick 8vo

Est: $600 - $900
<<The Alfred Rubens Copy of Works Containing Fine Engraved Plates of German Jewry.>> Prof. Elisheva Carlebach considered Friedrich Albrecht Christiani's autobiographical account of his conversion from Judaism to Christianity of such significance, she included the entire German text verbatim (pp. 65-80) as the Appendix to her work, Divided Souls: Converts from Judaism to Christianity, 1500-1750 (2001), pp. 235-241. Christiani credits the debacle of pseudo-messiah Shabbetai Tzevi in 1666 as being instrumental in his conversion process. See Carlebach, p. 82.