(“Reb Shayele,” Grand Rabbi of Kerestir, 1851 - 1925).

Thursday, June 14th,
2018 at 3:00 PM
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Ceremonial & Graphic Art
Lot 301
(“Reb Shayele,” Grand Rabbi of Kerestir, 1851 - 1925).
Kerestir: n.d
Est: $10,000 - $15,000
<<From the founder of the Kerestir Chassidic dynasty.>>
R. “Shayele” Kerestir as he was affectionately known, was a disciple of R. Hershele Lisker who appointed him as his Shamash in 1870. Upon the death of R. Hershele, R. Chaim Sanzer and R. Mordechai of Nadvorno proclaimed R. Shayele as a Chassidic Rebbe. Out of deference to R. Hershele’s family, R. Shayele moved to Bodrog-Kerestir where for the next fifty years, he became celebrated as a saintly miracle worker and astute arbitrator of disputes.
The other signatory to this letter, his son R. Abraham, succeeded his father as Rebbe of Kerestir. Affectionately known as R. Avremele Kerestirer, he passed away in 1927 at the young age of 44.
It is believed by his followers, that items personally associated with Reb Shayele, protects one against misfortune.