Aaron Meir Friedlander. Sepher Avreich [commentary to Tehillim, along with Chassidic discourses]

Thursday, June 14th,
2018 at 3:00 PM
Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Ceremonial & Graphic Art
Lot 86
Aaron Meir Friedlander. Sepher Avreich [commentary to Tehillim, along with Chassidic discourses]
Munkatch: Blayer and Kohn 1893
Est: $400 - $600
The author (1827-75), an extraordinary child prodigy, composed this work aged just nine years - and according to the approbation of R. Alexander Lipa of Ziditschov, accomplished it in just nine hours! R. Chaim of Sanz tested him when he was Bar Mitzvah age and compared his precocity to that of the Gaon of Vilna. See Y. Raphael, Encyclopedia LeChassiduth, cols. 226-7.