Seder Tephiloth KeMinhag Ashkenaz VePolin. Edited by David b. Menachem HaKohen. ff. 10. Hanau, 1628. <<*Bound with:>> Eleazer Ben Judah of Worms. Sepher Haroke’ach [ethics, rabbinic law and custom]. ff. 113. Hanau, 1630.

Thursday, March 08th,
2018 at 1:00 PM
Auction of Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Antiquities, Ceremonial Objects & Graphic Art
Lot 216
Seder Tephiloth KeMinhag Ashkenaz VePolin. Edited by David b. Menachem HaKohen. ff. 10. Hanau, 1628. <<*Bound with:>> Eleazer Ben Judah of Worms. Sepher Haroke’ach [ethics, rabbinic law and custom]. ff. 113. Hanau, 1630.
Est: $3,000 - $5,000
<<Only one other copy recorded>> of these Hanua prayers, found in the Bodleian Library (see Steinschneider no. 2130).
According to the poetic title page, the publisher previously issued a pocket Shulchan Aruch (Hanau, 1627) for travelers to study from. He now wishes to perform another public service for the benefit of travelers, providing them with an easily portable pocket prayer-book. Indeed the first prayer that appears after the morning Berachoth is Tephilath HaDerech (the wayfarers prayer). It was apparently published without Nekudoth in order to save space.