Godines, Benjamin Senior (Ed.) Me’ah Berachoth / Orden de Bendiciones.

Thursday, March 08th,
2018 at 1:00 PM
Auction of Fine Judaica: Printed Books, Manuscripts, Autograph Letters, Antiquities, Ceremonial Objects & Graphic Art
Lot 215
Godines, Benjamin Senior (Ed.) Me’ah Berachoth / Orden de Bendiciones.
Est: $2,000 - $3,000
A most striking volume of collected prayers and instructions issued for Marrano refugees. Included in the Me’ah Berachoth are: A Passover Hagadah; an index of blessings for the entire year including relevant laws and commentary according to Sephardic rite; a perpetual liturgical calendar; a recipe for Charoseth; instructions for constructing a Mikveh; prayers for the sick, last rites, and prayers for martyrs burned at the stake by the Inquisition. Of uncommon interest are the ceremonies celebrating the birth of a daughter “Zeved HaBath” (Fadas de la Hija) and circumcision ceremony for proselytes and servants.