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Ed. / Illustration PICA [Palestine Jewish Colonization Association] & ICA [Jewish Colonization Association]. Archives-Ledger. Repertoire General des Archives ICA et PICA / Sepher Archiyon PICA - Mar'ey Makom ["Index of the PICA Archives - References."] Filled with handwritten notes of the contents of the ICA/PICA archives, divided into five sections: Registres; Copies de Lettres; Pieces de Caisse; Lettres (Correspondances); Divers. Each chapter is organized alphabetically and then chronologically. 1935-40. * Together with: PICA - HaChevra LeHityashvut HaYehudim Be'Eretz Yisrael. Tel Aviv, (1957). * And: A circa 1930's PICA rubber ink stamp.
Summary The Jewish Colonization Association (ICA) was founded by philanthropist Baron Maurice de Hirsch in 1891 to help destitute Jews from Russia and Romania resettle in Argentina. The Baron died in 1896 and thereafter ICA began to assist the Jewish colonies in Palestine. In 1899 Edmond James de Rothschild transferred title to his colonies in Palestine to the ICA, which was reorganized (under the direction of Edmond's son James Armand de Rothschild) in 1924 as the Palestine Jewish Colonization Association and commonly known by its Hebrew acronym PICA. James de Rothschild's will instructed PICA to transfer its land-holdings to the State of Israel and so on December 31st, 1958, PICA was dissolved.
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