THREE TEXTILES. A: COTTON JACQUARD WEAVING, Probably Palestine, late 19th - early 20th century. * B:LINEN HALLAH COVER, Austria, late 19 - early 20th century.

THREE TEXTILES. A: COTTON JACQUARD WEAVING, Probably Palestine, late 19th - early 20th century. * B:LINEN HALLAH COVER, Austria, late 19 - early 20th century.

THREE TEXTILES. A: COTTON JACQUARD WEAVING, Probably Palestine, late 19th - early 20th century. * B:LINEN HALLAH COVER, Austria, late 19 - early 20th century.

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Lot Number 90
Ed. / Illustration A: Jaquard woven scene of woman dancing; Decalogue in upper corners; Stars of David with “Zion” in center; title and inscription include initial words of Decalogue; “If I forget Thee, O Jerusalem...”, “Zion”. H: 495mm. Some losses due to unravelling at edges; stained. B: Cream linen, printed with Kiddush and blessings within border; cream silk lining. H: 400mm. Faded, stained.
Summary Weaving formerly in Zagayski collection.
Estimate Low $150.00
Estimate High $250.00
Hammer $200.00
Lot Withdrawn? No
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You're reviewing:THREE TEXTILES. A: COTTON JACQUARD WEAVING, Probably Palestine, late 19th - early 20th century. * B:LINEN HALLAH COVER, Austria, late 19 - early 20th century.